Friday, July 8, 2011


Just like Britney, I'm back.
I started working full time at a travel agency which means I have slowly become more boring and exhausted. I have realized that in order to write you need to have a lot of free time, which is why most writers are unemployed and are forced to burn their manuscripts for warmth in the winter months. Unfortunately for my writing career, I am far too shallow and materialistic to be a successful novelist and since I have yet to find a wealthy older gentleman dying of cancer, this chick has to slave away for the man.
Anyway I actually left my country again for a change. This time I was feeling a bit homesick, and a bit sun-sick so I dragged my pale bum to the Island nation of Malta for a little swim.
I'm not going to lie, half the reason I chose Malta is because it sounded wacky, and I am finding it increasingly hard to appear kooky working a full-time job (This explains why my Father is weirder now that he has retired, being weird takes up a lot of free time- but that is a blog entry for a different time) Anyway, Malta...

Things that were amazing:
-The water is clear, some of the clearest water in the Mediterranean in my novice opinion.
- The food was amazing. Octopus Stew is heaven, if heaven is chewy and slightly spicy-which I'm assuming it is.
- It is always sunny, and by always I mean all four days that I was there
- Less touristy then Italy, the South of France and Spain (God I sound pretentious)
- People are super friendly. For this I am giving a big shout-out to Jester's Pub located across from the San Pawl's Hotel in St Paul's Bay. The food was fabulous, they had Bud on the 4th of July, and a Boxer puppy named Duke. In the words of the owner "Tell people in New York about us" and so here I am, pimping out Jesters pub to all my fellow New Yorkers.

Things that were a bit of a bummer:
- I really hate seaweed and if you're looking for white sandy beaches I'd probably head elsewhere.

My one major recommendation: if you do drag your equally pale bum to Malta, check out Blue lagoon- Yes there are tourists and it is very crowded but the water is so clear it's worth it. All-in-all it makes the Bahamas look like New Jersey.

Would I visit Malta again? Absolutely, but unlike Paris and London I wouldn't make it an annual pilgrimage, but it is the perfect cheap holiday for a short little break from the rain and drain of daily life. I spent (including spending money) roughly 500GBP for 4 days of paradise and I could have probably spent only 300 if I wasn't a total lush.

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    I do have actual pictures that we took but I lost my camera so I'm relying on the generosity of my current gentleman caller for these Kodak moments...I'll post pictures after I steal them from him.

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