Monday, January 31, 2011


Well I tried to blog on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday but it turns out that I am not witty, charming, or any fun when I'm high on cough syrup and flu medicine. In fact, I'm just a hot mess. There was a bright side though, through my Nyquil haze, I learned quite a few things while I was sick. Now that my fever has finally left the building it's time to get back on the grind and share with you my new epiphanies:

10. Everyone should get married, unless they are very very rich. Everybody should get married so that someone is legally required to take care of them even when their head is melting, unless they are very rich then they should look into hiring a live in maid and/or butler. All week I couldn't help but think, damn this would be so much more enjoyable if someone would make my soup for me. Hopefully I'll be rich or hitched next time I come down with the flu.

9. Life would be easier if they had they same medicine here in London as back home. I want Tylenol PM, it doesn't exist here, it's called Paracetamol, which is really easy to remember when you're half-conscious.

8. I'm very protective over Charlie Sheen. Not in the "oh I hope he gets better and sorts out his life" way, but in the "Leave him, his briefcase full of cocaine, and his house full of hookers alone." I was actually upset that they made him go to rehab which subsequently means Two and a Half Men has just gone on hiatus. Leave the man be.

7. The internet actually does get boring. After 3 days of not leaving the house and being forced to surf the web non-stop, I actually ran out of things to google. There are only so many times you can compare Kim Kardashian before and after her plastic surgery. Maybe if I was a 13 year old boy I could have kept busy, but I really didn't have any interest in porn or World of Warcraft.

6. Flu medicine and alcohol should never be mixed. On Saturday I was feeling better so I went out to meet a friend. I had some wine and I got absolutely wasted in about 5 seconds. The next day I woke up re-sick and hungover. It was an awesome feeling that forced me into the fetal position for an entire afternoon.

5. Makeup only does so much. I didn't wear anything for a few days and it was mess to behold. Then on Saturday I got dolled up. I double checked right before I left and I looked amazingly similar to those goth kids that hung outside of Hot Topic circa 1998. As you can imagine, between that and my whopping cough, the boys were lining up.

4. In England, they play the exact same Everybody Love Raymond episode about 4 times a day on Comedy Central. On Thursday I watched it all 4 times. But it's ok, it was the one where Ray and Debra fought about the new can opener. So good.

3. Soup in England needs more salt. Back home we like our salt, no scratch that, we LOVEEE our salt. I like my soup to taste like the Dead Sea, anything less and it's just a little too bland for me. Needless to say, the soup over here required heaps and heaps of rock salt.

2. The revolution in Egypt is way more exciting than the Jersey Shore. Fight the power!!!

1. You're not sick anymore when you start craving Pad Thai

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