Friday, January 14, 2011

Pubs vs. bars

When I first went to Ireland with my father we hit up an Irish pub and I believe my Dad's exact words were "This is just like back home, but more expensive, and they don't have my games on."
Well, this isn't true at all. Every country has a different bar vibe and etiquette. I love Irish pubs, but to be honest I know a lot more about English pubs. So whats the difference between American bars and English pubs?

Seating- Seating is a major difference between these two nations. Back in the states it's all about getting a spot at the bar. Barstools are prime real estate, and if you get one, you don't let it go, even if you have to pay a stranger to hold your seat while you go to the bathroom. If you don't get one, you may get a table or you may have to stand around watching people play darts. Here in England, sitting or standing at the bar is a last resort. There are tons of tables/couches/ chairs to pull up to. Not to mention the fact that there is usually a fire place. score.

Drinks- In the states, it's all about cocktails, shots, and bottled beer. In London, it's all about the pint. Ordering a shot at a pub would probably look odd, although you can get away with a cocktail or a glass of wine. Ordering a Sex on the Beach? probably not gonna happen. I mean I love a good pint, but part of me still yearns for the bud light bottle.

Food- Bar food in the states=wings, popcorn, finger foods. Pub Grub is very english, were talking fish+chips, mash, burgers, wedges ect. They are both considered junk food but that's exactly what you want when you are drinking your weight in beer. FYI Chicken wings suck here. I miss them dearly but god do I love pub grub.

Games- The U.S. is all about darts, pool, and maybe the occasional arcade game. England is all about the fruit machines, and yes sometimes they even have board games. I spent my monday night playing scrabble and getting drunk, which is fine with me because truth be told, I suck at darts.

Sports- I have no idea, I never pay attention in either country, but I hear that they play way more soccer, cricket, and rugby then football, baseball, and basketball. I wish my dad would stop asking me if anyone has been keeping up with football over here, I don't even do that back home.

Either way, both are great and I could never actually pick a favorite. Although I must say I do love that I can sit by the fire, on a couch, with fluffy pillows, drinking a massive pint and playing connect-4. But then again, there is nothing like pretending to play pool and singing along to Don't Stop Believing.

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