Monday, January 3, 2011

Well, well, well

I have been the worst blogger ever this holiday season and I apologize. Unfortunately, I have a few projects due for class so my energy has been focused into the boring lame stuff. That being said, heres a post, finally.

HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2011 looks like a goody. I'm ready for it.
My sister was at a New Year's party and she met a girl who was going on and on about how she didn't believe in New Years Resolutions. I mean, I totally get that. There is nothing worse than someone who says they are going to eat better, exercise and quit smoking. Thats boring and no one cares. Luckily for you lot, my New Years resolutions are fabulous, and even if they're not, I like to talk about myself. So here you go...

5. No Scrubs. Dating is expensive for guys, but that's because they didn't let us vote until 1920. It's called reparations. If I have to go on one more date where I drop more cash than my gentleman caller I am just going to walk away, no scratch that, run away. So for 2011, Imma be a spoiled little bitch. Sup boys?

4. Change up my routine. I'm a creature of habit and subsequently everyday I do pretty much the same thing. This is due partially to my high anxiety and partially due to the fact that I hate people who describe themselves as spontaneous. So from now on, I'm going to take a different route when I walk to Tesco to get my daily sandwich.

3. Clean my room. This has been my resolution since I was 5 because my mom made me. It has never happened and it has never worked. My head is chaotic so my room has to be chaotic. And dare I say it? Clean people remind me of boring people, sometimes I think they just are boring people. But of course, in the name of tradition, I'm going to keep it on the list. Everyone has to fail at one resolution don't they?

2. Be better at Facebook stalking. I'm already really good at it, but I want to be the best. I also want to be the best at knowing celebrity gossip and all things pop culture related. I think this will definitely make me a more interesting person who is a hit at parties.

1. Listen to my Mom more. She can read people like nobody's business and can spot a bad apple from a mile away. Her father was knighted but she still has a huge crush on LL Cool J. Not to mention she's 60 and walks around the ghetto of Rochester like Jay Z. She knows what's up, even if she is adopted.

Good luck to everyone...hope you improve in 2011

London on NYE:


  1. I think the boys of today were not around before 1920 to prevent you from voting.

  2. Well tell that to the 95 year old man who just took me out to ihop.
