Wednesday, January 26, 2011


London is obviously a fairly big metropolis, one where you can get pretty much whatever you want when you want it. You want 24/7 alcohol? done. Curry? done. There are literally KFCs and Subways EVERYWHERE! But Mexican food? ummm not so much. I mean there isn't even a Tacobell!
There are obviously a lot of great things about America, but honestly, one of the things I miss the most is good mexican food. London's best Mexican is Chipotle which is saying a lot.
Well, since I, and my fellow ex-pats, were literally dying from mexican deprivation, we googled mexican restaurants in the SW of London, and we luckily found one right in Kingston.
The joint was incredibly tiny and painted like the desert and only had one man, who was actually Mexican (the guy who works at the burrito stand in Putney is Asian) working there. The joint was so small in fact that throughout the meal he sat at the table next to us reading the paper.
Anyway I digress, we ordered margaritas, nachos ranchero, tacos and then more margaritas, and let me tell you, it was legend.
The food was amazing, the owner/chef/bartender/waiter was too cute for words, and the margaritas were strong.
The only downside was the bill, but hey whats 27 quid for a taste of home. The food was so good it made you wonder why you disliked illegal immigration in the first place.

So if you're in Kingston and you're craving nachos like cray-cray check out Chez Halee.

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